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Featured Post: Make a Winning First Impression Online

First impressions matter. Here are five tips for how to impress people with your online presence from the start.


Improve Your Social Media Presence Today

By Kathleen Montecillo


Having a social media presence has become as necessary as a cup of coffee on a Monday morning. We’re constantly hearing about the benefits it has and the business it can bring. There are many different ways to use social media to your advantage, but it goes beyond just having accounts and posting a couple of times a week. Not many people realize this, but liking and commenting on posts from other accounts helps generate more activity on your account.

It is important to post regularly in order to keep your social accounts active, but that’s not all you need to do. Engaging on other users’ posts is almost as important as posting because every time you like or comment on a post, you show up in that user’s feed. Showing up on someone’s social media feed is a great way to bring attention to your business. When you engage on someone else’s posts, that user then sees you as someone showing interest, creating an opportunity to bring that user to your page.

Engaging on other users’ posts also puts you in a position to be seen by others who are engaging on those posts as well. This is a great opportunity to bring more eyes to your page because to that user you’re seen as someone with a shared interest, which could be mutually beneficial. These eyes can ultimately turn into likes, comments, and followers for your business.

Because you are representing your business on social media, it is important to be mindful of what posts you like and what you say when you comment. As you develop your social media presence, establish what kind of posts you want to share and be seen engaging on. Once you have a clear direction for your social accounts, start engaging on posts and making those connections on social media.